The Michigan Reflector
Reflector 24 is for use mainly by D-Star users in the Michigan area to facilitate communications between counties, however everyone in any area is welcome on the reflector.
UPDATE: As of 12 Sept 2019 the reflector operating system (Centos) was updated and the reflector software was reloaded.
Module A: Michigan ARES (Nets and Emergency use)
Module B: World General Use (Currently used by the Indiana DSTAR Group)
Module C: World General Use (Currently used by many of the Michigan DSTAR repeaters)
Module D: Often reserved for data use, but we have agreed to allow it to be used by Illinois groups.
The reflector status page is
The Michigan D-STAR Net is held at 8PM every Monday on Reflector 24 Module A (The Michigan Reflector)
The Indiana D-STAR Net is held at 8:0PM Thursdays on Reflector 24 Module B, starting July 5, 2018.
The Wyre Forest Repeater Group who were linking several of their repeaters to module B of Reflector 24 now have their own DStar Reflector 36.
Reflector 36 came online during the early hours of Monday morning 13th September 2010. Midstar UK are using module A, the Wales & West Country Groups are using Module B and Module C will be used for Dongle to Dongle & DVAP to DVAP .
The W8SHI Module C Repeater (145.240 MHz) is usually linked to Reflector 24 Module C and the Module B Repeater (444.300 MHz) is currently linked to Reflector 24 B which is being used by the Indiana DSTAR group. Users such as mobile stations traveling through the area may unlink a repeater if it is not in use and relink it to another reflector. After a period of inactivity, the repeater will be automatically re-linked to the original reflector module.
Contact us at:
If you would like to contribute to the reflector purchase fund send email to:
Thanks to The Michigan Online Group (Now DayStarr Communications) for hosting the reflector server.
Thanks also to the following for their contributions:
KI8AS Tom Carpenter
N8DVH Al Langdon
K8OMS Bob Wilcox
W8TEK Tom Kurtz
Livingston Amateur Radio Klub
W8NDW Doug Williams
KA8OCN Delbert McCord
WB8GUS Don Warner
N8YQW Richard Kraatz
And to Robin, AA4RC, without whom there would be no dplus and therefore no D-Star Reflector technology.
Watch this space for more information on the progress of this reflector.