W8CCE 443.375 D-Star Repeater Installed at Stutsmanville MI
Post date: Sep 13, 2010 5:14:26 PM
This past weekend the CCECPSCO installed a D-Star repeater and gateway at Stutsmanville, MI about 5 miles NW of Harbor Springs in the Northern
Lower Peninsula. This repeater replaces the KO8P FM analog repeater,
which was a low-power wide-area repeater covering much of Northern Lower
and Eastern Upper Michigan. The high-power wide-area N8DNX FM analog
repeater at the same site will remain.
The new D-Star repeater carries the W8CCE call, which is the club call
for the CCECPSCO, and operates on 443.375 MHz, standard +5 MHz offset.
("CCE" stands for "Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Emmet" counties).
More info: http://www.w8cce.org/dstar/