Net Schedule
The Michigan ARES D-STAR (MIADS) Net meets at 8PM every Monday on Reflector 24 Module A (The Michigan Reflector)
QST, QST, QST calling the Michigan D-Star Training Net.
The Net control station for this evening is [ ] My name is [ ], I'm located in [ ] County.
The Michigan D-Star Net meets every Monday Evening at 8:00 PM local time on D-Star Reflector 024A.
The purpose of this net is to practice net procedures for use in emergency situations and to keep the amateur community informed of D-Star radio activities in and around the State of Michigan.
All stations and Dongles are invited to participate in tonight's net.
All amateur radio operators who have D-Star capabilities are welcome to check in.
Before we begin do we have any Emergency Traffic?
Any short time or mobile check ins?
We will now take check-ins by county with your call sign and first name.