Amateur Radio Week in Michigan.

Post date: Jun 12, 2017 1:02:58 PM

We recently received a proclamation from Michigan Governor Rick Snyder declaring the week of June 19 – 25 to be Amateur Radio Week in Michigan.

A PDF copy of this proclamation is available for download on the Michigan ARRL website located at

A copy of the Amateur Radio Week Proclamation is perfect for distribution to the elected officials in your community, your EM, local media outlets, and in printed form, for use at your Field Day information table. I am sure there are many additional uses beyond what is listed above.

Please take a few minutes to read the proclamation and by the fact that the State of Michigan and Governor Snyder have issued this proclamation, you will see the relationship that exists between the State of Michigan and the amateur radio operators of Michigan. By and large this relationship exists because of the thousands of hours that are expended each year by the amateurs of Michigan on behalf of their fellow citizens.

Take pride in Amateur Radio Week in Michigan and be sure to publicize this wherever and whenever you can. You deserve being in the spotlight!

Thanks go to each and every Michigan amateur who provides public service to his or her fellow citizens.


Larry, WB8R