Field Day Announcement
Post date: Jun 18, 2011 2:12:20 PM
BENNINGTON TWP. – Shiawassee County’s “hams” will join with thousands of amateur radio operators who will be showing off their emergency capabilities next weekend.
During Hurricane Katrina, Amateur Radio – often called “Ham Radio” — was often the only way people could communicate, and hundreds of volunteer “hams” traveled south to save lives and property.
The Shiawassee Amateur Radio Association will be demonstrating amateur radio beginning June 25 and ending before noon June 26 at Kiwanis Acres off of Waugh Road near Lake Manitou, south of Owosso. Members invite the public to come and see ham radio’s new capabilities and learn how to get their own FCC radio license before the next disaster strikes.
Read rest of the Argus-Press article here and see the press release in the attachment below.