Dayton D-STAR Repeaters
Post date: May 11, 2010 12:56:23 PM
Posted by Ed Woodrick to several Yahoo Groups
There’s been a little confusion about the Dayton Repeater frequency. The following has been confirmed with the local club admins. (The information that Mark posted earlier was incorrect)
Dayton D-STAR Repeaters
W8BI C 145.2700 -0.600 MHz ½ watt may be marginal so higher power is recommended
W8BI B 444.0875 +5.000 MHz lower coverage
W8BI C will be linked to REF030B over the Hamvention® weekend
(The repeater’s frequency was changed a few months ago, hence some of the confusion)
We are trying to keep the front page of up to date with the latest information. If there is anything that needs to be updated, let me know or send an update to
If you are going to Dayton, stop by booth 98 and say Hello and pick up a copy of the DSTARInfo News Letter!
If you aren’t then will see you on Reflector 30B