Skywarn Recognition Day

Post date: Dec 2, 2009 11:25:05 AM

For the last 11 years SKYWARN teams across the country have taken to the

airwaves for SKYWARN Recognition Day, a nationwide

event sponsored by the National Weather Service and the American Radio Relay

League which promotes awareness of the SKYWARN

program and recognizes the contributions of the amateur radio community. This

24-hour event offers an opportunity for hams

around the world to make contact with National Weather Service offices across

the country. Participants making at least one

contact with a NWS office are eligible to receive a full-color certificate.

Additionally many NWS will be offering QSL cards.

Details are available on the SKYWARN Recognition Day web site.

During the event, amateur radio operators visit participating NWS offices and

contact other radio operators across the world.

It is estimated that more than 100 NWS offices including the National Weather

Service in White Lake will be participating in this

year's event. SKYWARN Recognition Day will be held at the White Lake National

Weather Service office beginning on December 4th at

7:00 PM and last for 24 hours.

D-Star, EchoLink and IRLP are just a few of modes people can utilize to contact

NWS offices during SKYWARN Recognition Day.

Many NWS offices will be on 2 Meters, 440 MHz, HF bands.

This year NWS Detroit K8DTX located in White Lake Mi will be utilizing

D-Star and the new Michigan Reflector 24C. Many of the Michigan D-Star repeaters

will be linking to the new reflector.

All operators are welcome to contact all NWS stations via radio or stop by. You

can stop by for a few minutes or stay for a while,

and operate the radios. You'll find that we are not die hard contesters, but

perfectly content kicking back and talking about the

weather or radio and you'll find the NWS forecast team is very willing to answer

your questions and show you around the weather center.

