Special Event Log
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Welcome to Train Festival 2009!
SARA, the Shiawassee Amateur Radio Association, welcomes visitors to Shiawassee County!
Coming July 23-26, 2009, the sounds of steam whistles, the clickety-clack of steel wheels on rails, the smell of coal smoke and excitement of children of all ages will take over the Steam Railroading Institute in Owosso, Michigan.
Using Shiawassee County Repeaters during the Festival
Licensed amateur operators may use the local repeaters while visiting the festival.
Digital (D-STAR) - W8SHI
2 Meters ("C" Node) 145.240 MHz -0.600 (Will be linked to REF019C for the Special Event)
70 Centimeters ("B" Node) 444.300 Mhz +5
Analog - N8DVH
147.020 Mhz +0.600, 100.0Hz PL tone (will probably not be required)
442.400 MHz +5, 100.0Hz PL tone (will probably not be required)
Shiawassee Amateur Radio Association (W8QQQ) Special Event Station
W8QQQ will be operating a Special Event Station for Train Festival 2009 . Click for Map. We will be operating on Saturday, July 25 from 1300Z to 2200Z. We will be operating HF, D-Star, and locally on VHF/UHF on the specified frequencies below. We will be sending out Certificates to those stations that we talk to that send a self addressed stamped envelope. Please send a full size 8.5 x 11 envelope if you would like an unfolded certificate. Please send SASE’s to:
702 W. Corunna Ave.
Corunna, MI 48817
Certificate (Click to Enlarge)
Station Coordinates:
42° 59' 41'' N -84° 10' 9'' W
42.994855 -84.169264
Grid Square:
HF Station:
We will operate on 20M on 14.245 +/- and on 40M on 7.245 +/-
D-Star Station:
We will be using our W8SHI D-star Repeater on Module C. It will be linked to REF019C thanks to Robert Guenther.
Procedures for D-Star Check-ins:
- We will have a roll call of the repeaters that are connected to the reflector and call on them one at a time.
- When we call upon your repeater then you may call and we will get you in then.
- We will call on the dongle users when we reach the bottom of the repeater list before starting at the top again.
Dongle users, please log into REF019C directly.
- After we get to the bottom of the list of repeaters we will start all over again for the repeaters on the reflector.
- We are using this procedure because of the problems that seemed to come about during Dayton.